Loan workout advice is a mission critical essential when trying to improve a relationship with a lender. An advisor with strong credibility and understanding is needed when engaged in bank negotiation. Often the relationship between the bank and the management has deteriorated to the point of non-trust. A new advisor can change the relationship dynamic and begin to transition the corporation out of loan workout status.
Loan workout (also known as Lender management) outcomes include rebuilding the relationship, buying time for a turnaround, and gaining bank support for the new direction charted. Attract Capital will simplify the lender management process and empower you with valuable advice and representation that can be used in bank negotiation.
Our lender management advice includes the following:
- Use of our bank knowledge and institutional credibility to improve the standing of the borrower.
- Use of a strategic action plan to build comfort and a feeling of an eventual resolution.
- Use of our communication expertise with the bank to convey an objective view and reset expectations
Our loan workout advice has been used in a variety of sensitive projects and will deliver a peak outcome.
Our Loan workout advice is quoted on a project basis.
Get in touch with us for a FREE consultation on your lender advice.